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EDUSS/XI Teach Maths will test and evaluate the students’ understanding of mathematics for their specific year level. The system is flexible and allows for the selection of test parameters, subject topics and pass rates.
TYD VIR TAFELS maak maalsomme maklik vir kinders!
TIMES FOR TABLES makes multiplication easy for children!
Hierdie merkwaardige program lei jou kind stap vir stap deur die hoërskool wiskunde sillabus. Die program bevat nie net Algebra nie, maar ook Trichonometrie, Driehoeksmeetkunde, Calculus, Saamgestelde Rente en Analitiese Driehoeksmeetkunde.
'n Tweetalige oudio-visuele verduideliking van die RSA Wiskunde Kurrikulum. Hierdie program verleen innoverende, oudio-visuele hulp 24-uur van die dag. Hoërskool wiskunde word sonder sukkel op hierdie cd verduidelik.
A bilingual audio-visual explanation of the RSA maths curriculum. This program offers innovative audio-visual technology, which is available 24/7. High school Maths is explained step-by-step by a tutor using audio-visual technology.
Work programs are designed to display topics that are applicable for each student's particular needs in Mathematics.