
Prosper Study System

R 990

High School / Hoerskool

The PROSPER Study System is not a course. Simply listen to the appropriate soundtrack while studying. The PROSPER audio programs quickly and reliably assist you in harnessing more of your brain's potential. These CD's utilize advanced hemispheric synchronization techniques through the use of computer-generated soundsblended with sounds of nature.

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Academix Lees (Gr. 1-12)

R 5990

High School / Hoerskool

Taal:                 Tweetalig (Afrikaans en Engels)



As spelling en lees ‘n probleem is, is Academix die program wat sal kan help. Dit is 'n uitstekende hulpmiddel om jou kind se leesvaardighede soos spelling, leesspoed, konsentrasie, begrip en geheue te bevorder. Dis ‘n omvattende program wat dieselfde beginsels volg as wat in remedi?rende en leesklinieke landswyd aangewend word.

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Academix Reading (Gr.1-12)

R 5990

High School / Hoerskool


Language:        Bilingual (Afrikaans and English)


If spelling or reading is a problem, then Academix is the answer. This is an excellent resource to help with spelling, a variety of reading skills, reading speed, concentration, comprehension and memory. It is a comprehensive programme that follows the same principles as those that are followed in remedial and reading clinics country-wide.

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